Student 支持
线上买球平台老师精心准备课堂环境,以培养学生的身体素质, 社会, 情感, and intellectual needs. 他们精心设计教学方法和教材,以激发孩子们的好奇心,并以不同的学习方式吸引孩子们. Consequently, most students thrive in our environment.
线上买球平台知道学生的发展速度不同,当他们在“最佳点”工作时,他们可以学习和掌握新的技能或概念,学习效果最好, yet not overly taxed. Learning at their own optimal level. To plan and monitor differentiated learning for each child, our teachers use developmentally appropriate, authentic assessment at each level.
Authentic 评估
真实的评估是实现线上买球平台培养自信目标的最好方法, independent and passionate learners who engage in purposeful work. At the youngest ages, teachers take notes on each child's daily progress, observing levels of mastery, practice and challenge. As students move into 小学 and 中学, there is the expectation of proficiency in academic subjects. 教师通过观察的结合来跟踪基本知识和技能的有意义的应用, student portfolios, assignment rubrics, 工作样本, verbal responses, and presentations. 通过有针对性的筛选和有限的正式测试,这种对儿童能力进步的仔细监测得到了加强.
评估 Tools
线上买球平台对有目的地实施测试进行了深思熟虑,并与蒙台梭利哲学和当前认知科学和教育的最佳实践相一致. Research-based assessment tools, such as the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS), 用于筛选幼稚园及小学学生的阅读进度(每年3次). Acadience helps to monitor development of math skills in 3rd and 4th grade. 标准化MAP测试每年在小学高年级和初中进行两次. 这些测试也被用作项目评估信息的一个来源, instructional planning, and intervention considerations. Students learn test taking skills such as how to navigate the test format, how to analyze multiple answer options and how to stay calm during a test. 初中生通过参加核心科目的总结性考试来为高中的期望做准备, aiming for proficiency at an appropriate level for the individual student. 鼓励学生将较低的成绩视为学习他们不理解的概念的机会. Intellectual risk taking, 深度学习和适应力比竞争或狭隘的成功概念更受鼓励.
Standardized Testing
线上买球平台承认线上买球平台生活在标准化考试和成绩的文化中. 目前, 美国教育的政治气候是由分数驱动的,尽管大量研究表明考试提供的帮助有限, often inaccurate view of student ability. 在很多情况下, testing causes anxiety, narrows curriculum opportunities, and substitutes test preparation with deeper authentic learning. At 线上买球平台, 考试成绩被视为一个数据点,在整体真实性评估模型中被考虑,考试作为学生学习的实际生活机会.
Student Progress
在线上买球平台,线上买球平台坚信无论是在学校还是在家里,都应该全面培养孩子. Wherever they are, 线上买球平台希望鼓励您的孩子成长的独立性和个性化的兴趣, while supporting their academic growth. We feel a child’s time out of school should be spent in two main ways. 第一个, 培养友爱的家庭关系和对家庭的责任感,其次, having free time to explore and follow their hobbies and passions.
We would like to share with you some recommendations from Race To Nowhere:
家庭作业 Should Advance A Spirit Of Learning
家庭作业 should advance a spirit of learning, 激发学生的好奇心和探究精神,或提供一个独特的学习机会,这是在学校环境或上课时间内无法获得的.
家庭作业 Should Be Student-Directed
This could consist of at-home reading chosen by the student, project-based work chosen by the student, 体验式学习,将学生现有的兴趣和家庭承诺或工作结合起来,无需兄弟姐妹的帮助即可完成, caregiver or parent.
家庭作业 Should Promote A Balanced Schedule
There should be time made for children to help out their families, with participation in daily life, through helping with preparing food, cleaning and taking care of younger or older family members. 儿童应该有机会了解他们的作用和他们对家庭工作的贡献的重要性
In Lower 小学, here is what your child should expect for homework:
- Reading at home each day
- Daily math facts practice
In Upper 小学:
- Reading at home each day.
- A weekly math skills practice sheet individualized to your child’s needs.
- Monthly practical life homework.
In 中学:
- Reading at home each day
- Completing individual and group work assignments.
Learning Resources
Sometimes a child’s strongest modes for learning are more difficult to capture; identifying and igniting them may prove to be elusive to the teacher. For these children, 线上买球平台 has created a Learning Resources team. 学习资源团队将其工作与蒙台梭利哲学和教学法相结合,同时努力在特殊教育中实施最佳实践,并支持学校促进公平和包容的目标.
When a child displays a different learning style, 他们的老师可能会征求孩子的父母或监护人的许可,以便与支持团队的工作人员合作. 该团队与老师和家长合作,确定孩子的需求并加强学习. The team often recommends in-class accommodations for the child. If a child struggles despite additional support, 学校可能会要求进行正式的评估,以彻底了解学生的学习情况.
线上买球平台实施了一个多层次的支持系统,将数据和观察整合到解决问题的过程中. 线上买球平台的支持团队由一个学习资源专家团队组成, an English Language Learner Teacher, a School Psychologist, and a School Social Worker. The Learning Specialists provide in-school services such as assessments, 辅导, and therapy to families.
线上买球平台还有一名现场语言病理学家,他为私人客户提供内部服务, contractual basis.